Peer Reviewed Publications
Lawson LP, HC Liedtke, J Lyakurwa, SP Loader. 2023. Diversification of spiny-throated reed frogs (Anura: Hyperoliidae) with the description of a new, range-restricted species from the Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania. PLoS ONE. 18(2): e0277535.
media coverage:
Liedtke HC, JV Lyakurwa, LP Lawson, M Menegon, J Mariaux, W Nagalason, A Channing, N Owen, G Bittencourt, M Wilkinson, SP Loader. 2022. 30 years of amphibian surveys in the Ukagurus Mountains of Tanzania reveals new species, while others are in decline. African Journal of Herpetology. 71:2, 119-138.
Agwanda BR, Rovero F, Lawson LP, Vernesi C, Amin R. 2021. A new subspecies of giant sengi (genus Rhynchocyon) from coastal Kenya. Zootaxa. 4948 (2) :245-260.
Lawson LP, J Haile, JAS Castruita, C Vernesi, F Rovero, ED Lorenzen. 2021. Unraveling elephant-shrews: Phylogenetic relationships and unexpected introgression among giant sengis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 154: 107001
Greenwood L, SP Loader, LP Lawson, E Greenbaum, BM Zimkus. 2020. A new species of Phrynobatrachus (Amphibia: Anura: Phrynobatrachidae) from the Northern Mountains of Tanzania. Journal of Natural History. 54 (1-4): 63-85.
Bwong B, CD Barratt, JO Nyamache, M Menegon, PK Malonza, P Nagel, SP Loader, LP Lawson. 2020. Systematics of Hyperolius mitchelli Loveridge, 1953 and Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus Schiøtz, 1975 (Anura: Hyperoliidae) and assignment of populations from northern Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology. Early Online.
Guerra PA, LP Lawson, LJ Gatto, ME Albright, W Greenwood, S Smith, SM Reppert. 2020. Architectural evolution in cocoons spun by Hyalophora (Lepidoptera; Saturniidae) silk moth species. Scientific Reports 10: 5615.
Lawson LP, J Niedzwiecki, K Petren. 2019. Darwin’s Finches: a model of landscape effects on metacommunity dynamics in the Galápagos Archipelago. Ecography 42 (11): 1636-1647.
Portik DM, + 35 other authors including LP Lawson. 2019. Sexual Dichromatism Drives Diversification Within a Major Radiation of African Amphibians. Systematic Biology 68 (6): 859-875.
Farrington HL, LP Lawson, KP Petren. 2019. Predicting extinction in Darwin’s Finches. Conservation Genetics 20 (4): 825–836.
Lawson LP, HC Liedtke, M Menegon, SP Loader. 2018. Reproductive characteristics of two Hyperoliidae species (Afrixalus septentrionalis -Schiøtz 1974, and Hyperolius v. ngorongoriensis – Schiøtz 1975) from a miombo seasonal wetland in Northern Tanzania. Herpetology Notes 11:873-879.
Conradie W, L Verburgt, DM Portik, A Ohler, BA Bwong, LP Lawson. 2018. A new Reed Frog (Hyperoliidae: Hyperolius) from coastal northeastern Mozambique. Zootaxa 4379 (2): 177–198.
Lawson LP and K Petren. 2017. The adaptive genomic landscape of beak morphology in Darwin’s finches. Molecular Ecology 26: 4978-4989.
Zimkus BM, LP Lawson, et al. [17 other authors]. 2017. Leapfrogging into new territory: How Mascarene ridged frogs diversified across Africa and Madagascar to maintain their ecological niche. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106: 254–269.
Lawson LP, B Fessl, FH Vargas, HL Farrington, HF Cunningham, JC Mueller, E Nemeth, PC Sevilla, K Petren. 2017. Slow motion extinction: inbreeding, introgression, and loss in the critically endangered mangrove finch (Camarhynchus heliobates). Conservation Genetics 18(1): 159-170.
Bittencourt-Silva GB, LP Lawson, K Tolley, DM Portik, CD Barratt, P Nagel, SP Loader. 2017. Impact of species delimitation and sampling on niche models and phylogeographical inference: a case study of the East African reed frog Hyperolius substriatus Ahl 1931. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 114:261–270.
Barratt CD, GB Bittencourt-Silva, LP Lawson, N Doggart, T Morgan-Brown, SP Loader. 2017. A new critically endangered species of spiny throated reed frog (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from a highly threatened coastal forest reserve in Tanzania. The Herpetological Journal 27:13-24.
Lawson LP, SP Loader, M Menegon, J Bates. 2015. Divergence at the edges: Peripatric isolation in the montane Spiny-Throated Reed Frog complex. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:128.
Loader SP, LP Lawson, D Portik, M Menegon. 2015. Species descriptions of three Hyperolius species in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. BMC Research Notes 8:167. *highlighted in popular press (United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Center, April 2015: BMC Series Highlights and image of the month).
Farrington HL*, LP* Lawson, C Clark, K Petren. 2014. The evolutionary history of Darwin’s finches: speciation, gene flow, and introgression in a fragmented landscape. Evolution 68(10): 2932–2944. *co-first authors
Lawson LP*, C Vernesi*, S Ricci, F Rovero. 2013. Evolutionary history of the grey-faced sengi, Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, from Tanzania: a molecular and species distribution modelling approach. PLoS ONE 8(8): e72506. *co-first authors
Lawson LP. 2013. Diversification in a biodiversity hotspot: landscape correlates of phylogeographic patterns in the African spotted reed frog. Molecular Ecology. 22:1947-60.
Lawson LP, RK Vander Meer, DD Shoemaker. 2012. Male reproductive fitness and queen polyandry are linked to variation in the supergene Gp-9 in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 279: 3217-3222.
Zimkus BM, LP Lawson, SP Loader, J Hanken. 2012. Terrestrialization, miniaturization and rates of diversification in sub-Saharan frogs (Anura: Phrynobatrachidae). PLoS One 7(4): e35118.
Lawson LP and BM Zimkus. 2011. Range extension of Phrynobatrachus sulfureogularis (Anura, Phrynobatrachidae) from Burudi to the Mahale Mountains of Western Tanzania with a redescription of the species. Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences 4: 112–116.
Lawson LP and L Collett. 2011. Results from Two Amphibian Surveys of Malundwe Mountain, Mikumi National Park. Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences 4: 74-80.
Loader SP, J Poynton, LP Lawson, DC Blackburn, M Menegon. 2011. Amphibian diversity in the Northwestern Eastern Arc Mountains, with the description of a new species of Arthroleptis (Anura: Arthroleptidae). Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences 4: 90-102.
Lawson LP. 2010. The discordance of diversification: Evolution in the tropical-montane frogs of the Eastern Arc Mountain of Tanzania. Molecular Ecology. 19: 4046–4060.
Lawson LP and D Moyer. 2008. Within and between-site distribution of frog species on the Udzungwa Plateau, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology 57: 93-102.
Alexandrino J, SJE Baird, LP Lawson, JR Macey, C Moritz, DB Wake. 2005. Strong selection against hybrids at a hybrid zone in the Ensatina ring species complex and its evolutionary implications. Evolution 59:1334-1347.
media coverage:
Liedtke HC, JV Lyakurwa, LP Lawson, M Menegon, J Mariaux, W Nagalason, A Channing, N Owen, G Bittencourt, M Wilkinson, SP Loader. 2022. 30 years of amphibian surveys in the Ukagurus Mountains of Tanzania reveals new species, while others are in decline. African Journal of Herpetology. 71:2, 119-138.
Agwanda BR, Rovero F, Lawson LP, Vernesi C, Amin R. 2021. A new subspecies of giant sengi (genus Rhynchocyon) from coastal Kenya. Zootaxa. 4948 (2) :245-260.
Lawson LP, J Haile, JAS Castruita, C Vernesi, F Rovero, ED Lorenzen. 2021. Unraveling elephant-shrews: Phylogenetic relationships and unexpected introgression among giant sengis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 154: 107001
Greenwood L, SP Loader, LP Lawson, E Greenbaum, BM Zimkus. 2020. A new species of Phrynobatrachus (Amphibia: Anura: Phrynobatrachidae) from the Northern Mountains of Tanzania. Journal of Natural History. 54 (1-4): 63-85.
Bwong B, CD Barratt, JO Nyamache, M Menegon, PK Malonza, P Nagel, SP Loader, LP Lawson. 2020. Systematics of Hyperolius mitchelli Loveridge, 1953 and Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus Schiøtz, 1975 (Anura: Hyperoliidae) and assignment of populations from northern Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology. Early Online.
Guerra PA, LP Lawson, LJ Gatto, ME Albright, W Greenwood, S Smith, SM Reppert. 2020. Architectural evolution in cocoons spun by Hyalophora (Lepidoptera; Saturniidae) silk moth species. Scientific Reports 10: 5615.
Lawson LP, J Niedzwiecki, K Petren. 2019. Darwin’s Finches: a model of landscape effects on metacommunity dynamics in the Galápagos Archipelago. Ecography 42 (11): 1636-1647.
Portik DM, + 35 other authors including LP Lawson. 2019. Sexual Dichromatism Drives Diversification Within a Major Radiation of African Amphibians. Systematic Biology 68 (6): 859-875.
Farrington HL, LP Lawson, KP Petren. 2019. Predicting extinction in Darwin’s Finches. Conservation Genetics 20 (4): 825–836.
Lawson LP, HC Liedtke, M Menegon, SP Loader. 2018. Reproductive characteristics of two Hyperoliidae species (Afrixalus septentrionalis -Schiøtz 1974, and Hyperolius v. ngorongoriensis – Schiøtz 1975) from a miombo seasonal wetland in Northern Tanzania. Herpetology Notes 11:873-879.
Conradie W, L Verburgt, DM Portik, A Ohler, BA Bwong, LP Lawson. 2018. A new Reed Frog (Hyperoliidae: Hyperolius) from coastal northeastern Mozambique. Zootaxa 4379 (2): 177–198.
Lawson LP and K Petren. 2017. The adaptive genomic landscape of beak morphology in Darwin’s finches. Molecular Ecology 26: 4978-4989.
Zimkus BM, LP Lawson, et al. [17 other authors]. 2017. Leapfrogging into new territory: How Mascarene ridged frogs diversified across Africa and Madagascar to maintain their ecological niche. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106: 254–269.
Lawson LP, B Fessl, FH Vargas, HL Farrington, HF Cunningham, JC Mueller, E Nemeth, PC Sevilla, K Petren. 2017. Slow motion extinction: inbreeding, introgression, and loss in the critically endangered mangrove finch (Camarhynchus heliobates). Conservation Genetics 18(1): 159-170.
Bittencourt-Silva GB, LP Lawson, K Tolley, DM Portik, CD Barratt, P Nagel, SP Loader. 2017. Impact of species delimitation and sampling on niche models and phylogeographical inference: a case study of the East African reed frog Hyperolius substriatus Ahl 1931. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 114:261–270.
Barratt CD, GB Bittencourt-Silva, LP Lawson, N Doggart, T Morgan-Brown, SP Loader. 2017. A new critically endangered species of spiny throated reed frog (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from a highly threatened coastal forest reserve in Tanzania. The Herpetological Journal 27:13-24.
Lawson LP, SP Loader, M Menegon, J Bates. 2015. Divergence at the edges: Peripatric isolation in the montane Spiny-Throated Reed Frog complex. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:128.
Loader SP, LP Lawson, D Portik, M Menegon. 2015. Species descriptions of three Hyperolius species in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. BMC Research Notes 8:167. *highlighted in popular press (United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Center, April 2015: BMC Series Highlights and image of the month).
Farrington HL*, LP* Lawson, C Clark, K Petren. 2014. The evolutionary history of Darwin’s finches: speciation, gene flow, and introgression in a fragmented landscape. Evolution 68(10): 2932–2944. *co-first authors
Lawson LP*, C Vernesi*, S Ricci, F Rovero. 2013. Evolutionary history of the grey-faced sengi, Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, from Tanzania: a molecular and species distribution modelling approach. PLoS ONE 8(8): e72506. *co-first authors
Lawson LP. 2013. Diversification in a biodiversity hotspot: landscape correlates of phylogeographic patterns in the African spotted reed frog. Molecular Ecology. 22:1947-60.
Lawson LP, RK Vander Meer, DD Shoemaker. 2012. Male reproductive fitness and queen polyandry are linked to variation in the supergene Gp-9 in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 279: 3217-3222.
Zimkus BM, LP Lawson, SP Loader, J Hanken. 2012. Terrestrialization, miniaturization and rates of diversification in sub-Saharan frogs (Anura: Phrynobatrachidae). PLoS One 7(4): e35118.
Lawson LP and BM Zimkus. 2011. Range extension of Phrynobatrachus sulfureogularis (Anura, Phrynobatrachidae) from Burudi to the Mahale Mountains of Western Tanzania with a redescription of the species. Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences 4: 112–116.
Lawson LP and L Collett. 2011. Results from Two Amphibian Surveys of Malundwe Mountain, Mikumi National Park. Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences 4: 74-80.
Loader SP, J Poynton, LP Lawson, DC Blackburn, M Menegon. 2011. Amphibian diversity in the Northwestern Eastern Arc Mountains, with the description of a new species of Arthroleptis (Anura: Arthroleptidae). Fieldiana: Life and Earth Sciences 4: 90-102.
Lawson LP. 2010. The discordance of diversification: Evolution in the tropical-montane frogs of the Eastern Arc Mountain of Tanzania. Molecular Ecology. 19: 4046–4060.
Lawson LP and D Moyer. 2008. Within and between-site distribution of frog species on the Udzungwa Plateau, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology 57: 93-102.
Alexandrino J, SJE Baird, LP Lawson, JR Macey, C Moritz, DB Wake. 2005. Strong selection against hybrids at a hybrid zone in the Ensatina ring species complex and its evolutionary implications. Evolution 59:1334-1347.